Board of Trustees

About the Board

The Board of Law Library Trustees is the governing agency of the Santa Cruz Law Library. The Board holds monthly meetings in the Law Library open to the public. Persons wishing to address the Board on items of library community interest may do so by contacting the Law Librarian no later than the second Wednesday of the month, to request time on the agenda. Meeting dates are listed on the calendar located on our “Events” page.

Agendas are posted outside of the Government Center and on the Law Library website before each meeting.  Archived minutes will be made available online as time permits. Minutes and agendas are available for review in the law library during our hours of operation.

Trustee Appointments

Trustees are appointed in accordance with Business & Professions Code § 6301. They can be appointed by either the Superior Court or the Board of Supervisors for one year terms to which they may be reappointed. The law governing the make-up of the Board states that the Superior Court may appoint four or five members.  Any Superior Court Judicial Officer who is appointed to the Board may designate a resident of the county (public member) or a member of the State Bar to act for them as a trustee. The Board of Supervisors may appoint two individuals to serve on the Board that must be either a member of the State Bar or a resident of the county (public member). Not more than two trustees of the Board may be public members. Below is a list of our current trustees.

Correspondence addressed to the Board may be sent care of the Law Librarian. 

Emily DuBois, Esq.
Cheryl Ferguson, Esq.

Hon. John Gallagher (Ret.)
Julia Hill, Esq.

Nancy Miller, Esq.
Eric Nelson, Esq.

Hon. Leila Sayar